Porting your existing mobile number to Entity Communications
So you've enjoyed the amazingly simple operation of your Entity Communications Phone and Paging system, our bell management system or your world-class IT support from us.
Possibly, you've just had the most frustrating experience dealing with a Spark/Vodafone/2degrees helpdesk.
Now you want to port your mobile number to a service provider who puts your needs first, so you've come to this page!
Ka Pai!
You will need to open an account with us if you don't already have one. Next, you will need a SIM card from us. We will either courier it to the address you provided on your account or bring it with us on your next scheduled visit.
Once you have the SIM card, let us know so that we can then port your number to us. What we need from you is the following:
- Existing account (post-pay)
- The name of your existing provider
- Your exact account name with your existing provider;
- Your existing account number
- Your existing mobile number
If you want us to do this for you, it might be easier to send through a copy of the relevant pages of your latest bill. - Existing account (pre-pay)
- The name of your existing provider
- Your existing mobile number
- Your existing SIM card serial number as printed on your SIM card. If you have had a SIM card issued in the past few years, it should be exactly as written (16 numbers beginning with 64). If, on the other hand, it only has 12 numbers (or less) you will need to contact your existing provider to get your full SIM card number.
- A totally new account
- Nothing... other than maybe a preferred number from a list of pre-provisioned numbers which we can provide you. Our number range is currently in the series 0271800xxxx.
Once you've sent us these details, there is an automated process which will kick in shortly afterwards. You will receive an SMS text message acknowledging your request to transfer your mobile number. You will need to reply “YES” to process the transfer within 2 hours of receiving the message.
ACTION REQUIRED: We have received a request to move your mobile [Numberxxx] to another provider. To proceed reply YES to this message within 2 hours. If you didn't request the move then reply NO, or ignore this message and it will be cancelled. From NZ Telecommunications Forum (TCF)”
Once you've replied, the rest of the process completes automatically within a few business hours.
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